One of my favorite practices is tuning into states of being/frequencies that I desire to expand in my field/embody, or that are given to me to practice with by my Highest Self.

I call them divine living teachings.

This is what I was taught by the quality of Peace a couple of years ago, while enlivening it in my system.

“Peace isn’t inactive or passive. It’s dynamic. It is the potency from where you charge your battery, so that the energy source is a pure source, to produce right activity or ‘right activation.

Peace expands from the qualities of inner silence, spaciousness & relaxation. As it expands, it has the power to touch all forms of life. The ground of Peace, then allows for states of pure qualities of energy to be cultivated. Peace allows greater sensitivity to be accessed. Our ability to ‘settle’ ‘sink into’ love, trust, compassion, inner clarity, are revealed via peace.”

As we tune into what we are embodying, it is a practice of intimacy, and there is much to learn within! Sacred Embodiment is ultimately the integration of higher consciousness & frequencies, as they live through us, AS US.

With Peace,
