Tag: programming

  • Why do we CHOOSE, what we CHOOSE? ~ Sources of Information

    Why do we CHOOSE, what we CHOOSE? ~ Sources of Information

    I’ve been watching with great curiosity the trajectory of the collective relationship to the Covid virus. This will be a veering from my normal focus, because it’s held fascination for me, brought about pondering & reflection on some deeper energetic/spiritual implications. I certainly have my own bias, yet my curiosity remains. Do you ever wonder…

  • Dedications & Devotions

    Dedications & Devotions

    My commitment to service has been an intrinsic aspect of my being from the time I was a child. The passion for my purpose in this life, to be of service to the individual & collective awakening is a constant burning fire. I am dedicated in assisting in the de-programming which keeps humanity trapped in…

  • Power to Choose ~ A New Paradigm/New Earth Emerges

    Power to Choose ~ A New Paradigm/New Earth Emerges

    2019 is well under way. How has it been for you thus far? It’s been a heavy load to carry for me. I’ve felt the winter blues with the cloudy mid-west skies, as well as cold temps. But as the sun shines today and I feel warming on the New Moon, I too begin to…

  • Are You Awakening?

    Are You Awakening?

    “Spiritual awakening refers to a shift in consciousness, a perception of reality which had been previously unrealized. The culmination of such realizations is in the recognition of oneness with all of existence.”  from the Urban Dictionary This is a good comprehensive description of awakening. I would add, that awakening is an on-going process for the vast…

  • Are You Digging or Soaring?

    Are You Digging or Soaring?

    Once upon a time, we lived under a spell of blindness, a darkness, tunneling away under ground, like little moles, striving to get somewhere, but unclear where that really was. We were governed by fear & survival instincts, trying to remain safe. Then we evolved to experience the nature of beauty & ease as our…