When we know ourselves as Sacred Vessels of Divine Source, 

Blessings flow spontaneously & joyfully to all of Life.

My work integrates many methods specifically designed for each individual’s needs. Single sessions are available as well as gatherings that support committed spiritual deepening.

My experience and background enables me to assist in multiple expressions that support healing, integration and activation. My offerings support the introduction of awakening and the accessing of higher states of the Awakening/Ascension Process.

Tools and techniques, guided meditation, self-inquiry, deepening body-centered practices and shadow work are integrated as needed.

Specialty Offering of Sacred Intimacy (with oneself, Self-Love and Self- Honor) & Inner Alchemy/Sacred Partnership requires an initial consultation.  This supports all relationships in ones life, and my work ushers in the New Paradigm of what we would call ‘romantic’ relationship through, Sacred Intimacy ~ a Path of Inner Alchemy & Sacred Partnership.


Crafting a Life of Flourishing & Wholeness 

$111.00 per session / 3 Month Commitment $100.00 per session


Book Session

All of my work includes Light Language is a quantum, divine, cosmic, technology that releases and clears outworn, trapped emotional and mental patterns; balances the energy through the Chakra system into higher coherence of health, vitality, harmony; supports deeper connection to Soul, Highest Self  and Divine Source; empowers ones conscious Soul intentions; activates and amplifies the frequencies that bring us into more Joy, Peace, Freedom, Love.

Light Language activation assists us in raising the vibration of these aspects of ourselves. If you are carrying sadness or anger (heavier or dense emotional states), Light Language through quantum realm, divine sounding, toning and symbols can raise your vibration, so that you can easily access and maintain feelings, such as happiness, confidence and peace (lighter or higher frequency states of emotion).

The more we are able to hold and anchor these frequencies/energies/qualities of Light, we retrain our being to vibrate at the higher levels of consciousness/qualities. We then generate and attract these higher levels into our experience and life.

Sessions include inquiry/reflection, intention setting, guided meditation and appropriate additional techniques to support Embodying Light and Light Language activation.



Sacred Intimacy ~ a path of Inner Alchemy & Sacred partnership

We sit poised at a powerful time in the story of humanity. We could say we are at the precipice of a New Earth blooming forth. As any bloom, we must first seed the new.

Paradigms are shifting. Some are crumbling, but many are being created. Leading the way is the maturation of humanity through the energy and consciousness of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

Sacred Intimacy ~ a Path of Inner Alchemy & Sacred Partnership is one such new paradigm. How we enter into relationship with oneself, others, the world of Life around us, is being re-written. Not on paper with pen, or even through technology. It’s being remembered through the awakening of Heart~Soul intimacy.

This is an offering for those who are single, in relationship, and couples. Sessions & an in-depth course is available.

Exchange to be determined | Book Session